1、涂防水涂料 除防水薄膜,我們還可以通過涂布防水涂料來做環(huán)氧地坪漆施工基面防水層。具體施工方法為,在停車場水泥基面上涂刷一層防水涂料,它會形成一層不透水的防水隔離層。車庫環(huán)氧地坪漆隔離層形成后,我們還需要在上面施工一層水泥砂漿,為防水涂料隔離層提供保護。接下來就可以在水泥砂漿層上施工環(huán)氧地坪漆了。
1. Waterproof coating to remove waterproof film, we can also use waterproof coating to do floor paint construction base waterproof layer. The concrete construction method is to brush a layer of waterproof coating on the cement base surface of the parking lot, which will form an impervious waterproof isolation layer. After the formation of the epoxy floor paint isolation layer in the garage, we need to apply a layer of cement mortar on it to provide protection for the waterproof coating isolation layer. Next, you can build epoxy floor paint on the cement mortar layer.
2、使用水性環(huán)氧地坪漆 雖然防水涂料法解決了施工時機問題,但再澆筑水泥砂漿層還是很麻煩,同時也拉高了施工成本。那有沒更簡單的方法,解決地下停車場地坪漆施工基面潮濕、環(huán)氧環(huán)氧地坪漆涂層起泡問題呢?我們可以通過使用水性環(huán)氧環(huán)氧地坪漆來解決這一問題。地坪漆水性環(huán)氧地坪漆與普通地坪漆的區(qū)別在于,以水作溶劑,固化后的漆膜上有細微的孔隙,基層中的水汽可以透過這些孔隙逸出,排解了基面水汽蒸發(fā)產生的壓力,有效防止地坪漆涂層起泡。
2. The use of waterborne epoxy floor paint although the waterproof coating method to solve the problem of construction timing, but the re-pouring of cement mortar layer is still very troublesome, but also increased the cost of construction. Is there a simpler way to solve the problem of wet base and foaming of epoxy floor paint for underground parking? We can solve this problem by using waterborne epoxy floor paint. The difference between waterborne epoxy floor coatings and ordinary floor coatings is that the film solidified with water has tiny pores through which water vapor escapes, eliminating the pressure caused by vapor evaporation on the base surface and effectively preventing foaming of the floor coatings.
3、鋪設防水塑料薄膜 防水薄膜需要在大大廈打地基時進行?;靥畹孛婧?,在回填土上再鋪一層細砂,再在細砂層上鋪設防水塑料薄膜。一棟大廈的占地面積往往很大,少則上千,大則上萬,重慶環(huán)氧地坪我們不可能找到一塊幾千平米的塑料薄膜。而需要用小塊的塑料薄膜拼合而成。需要注意的是,兩塊塑料薄膜的搭接處至少要有10CM的重疊,否則還是會有水汽透過
3, laying waterproof plastic film waterproof membrane need to be carried out when building a large building. After backfilling the ground, a fine layer of sand will be laid on the backfill soil and then a waterproof plastic film will be laid on the fine sand layer. A building often covers a large area, few thousands, large tens of thousands, Chongqing Epoxy Floor we can not find a piece of thousands of square meters of plastic film. It needs to be pieced together with a small piece of plastic film. It should be noted that at least 10CM of the overlap between the two plastic sheets should be overlapped, otherwise water vapor will still pass through.
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